Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Garden chair

Saw this earlier- it encompasses two things I love- nice furniture and nature taking over civilisation. Swish.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Getting in to it

Got my new sketchbook an started some new things. Really excited!!!!
Did some sketching last night- it makes me so happy!!!

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Fresh start

Having a fresh start in Art terms- but because I'm so in love with abandoned buildings.... I need to start there. Going to see which direction it will go this time. 

Hinckley 16/09/2012:

Friday, 7 September 2012

Bonnie and Clyde

From an article on An image caught by Mo Gelber, who then entered it into a photograph contest. However he first needed the permission of those in the picture. 

It has been likened to Bonnie and Clyde. Most of the feedback I've seen is critical of the photo and advises not to promote the criminals pictured as cool/ positive. 

I think it's great: a perfect moment in time which fully sums up the idea of a possibly toxic but intense relationship. Obviously this is a totally romanticised view and the actual story behind the image is less novel-worthy; but I don't think that matters. Hence the reason I won't be including any other background details. We don't need to know- just get lost in the possibility of a moment.   

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Some textures from my travels

I love it (as sad as it is) when I come across textured things....... 

Some architecture from Belgium and Holland.

I went on a little trip around some parts of Belgium and Holland and took a lot of photos... here are some I took of particularly interesting buildings :) 

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Thinking tree

While not doing all my English essays, I've acquired a thinking tree. It's right outside my window, and it's very nice. I thought sharing it was a better use of my time than doing work. 

It is a good tree, no?

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

My favourite things.

It may well be a good idea for me to rename my blog: Diary of an Art student masquerading as someone who knows enough about the English Language to do a degree in it (?!!!). 

So, after a day of phonetics and literature reviews (?!?!), I felt a wallow in self-pity session coming on. I am choosing to re-package that as 'some of Mary's favourite Art works'. This will make me feel better. :)

Cornelia Parker's 'Cold Dark Matter: an exploded view' 1991

(above two) Fletcher Benton's 'Truckin' Geos'

Me, plus a little section of mosaic from Antoni Gaudi's Park Guell.
Christian Boltanski's 'The Candles' (I saw at the Shadow exhibition at Compton Verney 2007) 

(Above two) from Mike Nelson's 'The Coral Reef' installation.

Umberto Boccioni's 'Elasticity' 1912

Umberto Boccioni's 'Unique forms of continuity in space' 1913

Yeah, this has made me feel better.